Air Conditioning Energy Saving Tips

It is virtually impossible to do without air conditioning Chandler AZ in summer. Still, duplicate accounts for a considerable chunk of your electricity bill, making many people 'sweat'. On average, around 40-50 percent of the total energy consumption during summer is attributed to air conditioning. You are likely to spend $2.00 - $3.00 a day on air conditioning (if you use an air conditioner for 24 hours) compared to the 15 cents a day that you would spend on using a ceiling fan for the same duration of time. Does that mean you should refrain from using the air conditioner? Not really! Instead, using it efficiently by resorting to some simple air conditioning energy-saving tips will be more than enough to ensure that it doesn't come heavy on your wallet.

How to Save Energy on Air Conditioning?

Make Sure that Your Air Conditioner is in Good Condition

A well-maintained air conditioner is the first step towards energy-efficient air conditioning to cut down on your monthly electricity bills. Ideally, you should check its filters once a month and clean it as and when required. If you realize that the air conditioning system is not cooling correctly, you should get it checked by a professional at the earliest. An air conditioner with operating problems can add a few more dollars to your electricity bills. If you have been using the air conditioner for 5-10 years now, it's high time you replace it with a new one - as the newly introduced energy-efficient air conditioners boast of cutting down on your energy consumption by at least 40 percent. For the service of heating and cooling Mesa AZ  Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC is your best choice. In addition, you can resort to air conditioning Energy Star ratings given jointly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy to help you choose energy-efficient products to save money and protect the environment.

Make Certain that You Use the Thermostat Efficiently

The thermostat setting has a crucial role to play when it comes to effective ways of reducing power consumption by the air conditioner. While you can save a great deal of energy if you set the thermostat at 78°F, experts recommend setting it as high as possible (comfortable) for you is the best bet. It is one of the most accessible and effective air conditioning energy-saving tips which can help you reduce the cooling cost by 6-8 percent. When you are leaving home, and - more importantly, make sure that the thermostat is set a bit higher than usual. You shouldn't bring down the thermostat setting when you start the air conditioner and refrain from keeping some heat source - such as an electric lamp near the thermostat.

Undervalue the Amount of Air that Escapes from Your Home

Although everybody knows that the doors and windows of the room should be kept closed when using the air conditioner, very few people follow this advice. As a result, it allows cold air to escape and hot air to enter the room, further delaying the cooling process. Ideally, you should avoid those activities requiring you to be frequent in and out of the room when the air conditioner is on. Caulking and weather-stripping windows from where the air is likely to escape are a great help. Considering that 15-25 percent of the air escapes through leaking ducts, fixing them should be a priority if you intend to use air conditioning efficiently. In addition, it would be best to make sure that the exhaust fans in the house are switched off and the fireplace damper is tightly closed when the air conditioner is on.

Prevent Direct Sunlight and Minimize Heat Generation Within the House

One of the most straightforward measures to reduce your expenditure on air conditioning is to make sure you don't allow heat from outside to enter the house. You will have to protect your house from direct sunlight using shades, awnings, drapes, etc. Similarly, growing trees around the house will ensure that your house is in the shade during the daytime. You also need to ensure that you don't generate much heat within the house. For this, you will have to keep lights off when not in use, as the heat generated by these lights decreases the speed at which cooling takes place in the room. Similarly, you should avoid doing activities that consume power, like washing or ironing clothes during the afternoon when an air conditioner is necessary. You also need to do timely AC repairs Gilbert, Chandler, and surrounding areas.

Besides all these air conditioning energy consumption minimizing tips, you also need to pay attention to some simple facts about using air conditioners. Similarly, keeping the air conditioner on continuously for a longer duration is better than switching it on-off every once in a while. How you use the air conditioning system will reflect in your electricity bill. Following the simple tips given above will surely help you save money on electricity bills to a great extent. And if you need services of air conditioning repair Mesa. Contact us at (480) 695-7834 for more information.

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